‘Kkap Kwon’ Jo Kwon is feeling nervous with the appearance of Super Junior Kim HeeChul.
Kim HeeChul has appeared as guest appearance on SBS Family Outing on 2nd May. Kim HeeChul had appeared as close friend to SNSD YoonA and was seen with a strong character like Jo Kwon.
In between, Jo Kwon started showing his unique gag with hilarious imitation moves. But it seems with Kim HeeChul’s appearance, the position of Jo Kwon on the team to lighten up the atmosphere of the filming has been threatened. Hee Chul said, “The style that Jo Kwon and I pursue is different. I cannot do it through my body but for Jo Kwon, a slapstick is possible. I mostly use my mouth.”
The 2 then began their show of gag through imitation of Jo SungMo, So Nyeo Shi Dae ‘Gee’ and ‘Run Devil Run’ dance etc.
Meanwhile, HeeChul has recently been decided as fixed appearance on the show.
S: Newsen
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