May 24, 2010

ZE:A’s Taehun Star Diary Part 2: “The reason I lost 9kg is…”

Posted by Nez
TaeHun has been unanimously picked from all of the ZE:A members as the one who takes most care for their body. The reason for picking TaeHun? “His strict diet!“, they all said in unison.

“I gain weight even when I just drink water. That’s why I can never let my guard down.” Taehun grimly revealed the reason for dieting. “Truthfully, I lost 9kg(~20lbs) in the past by working out constantly. If I have any free time, I spend it running on the treadmill. If one of the members is looking for me, the first place they look is the gym(laughs).”

Even though he says it with a carefree air, losing 9kg isn’t something that can be achieved easily. When this reporter asked him about his weight loss secret, he openly told me about his daily diet activities.
“Like any other person, I diet and workout at the same time. I try not to eat after 7pm. I eat chicken breasts almost religiously. Though after doing this for some time, I really can’t stand the smell of chicken.”

These days, it’s not just the actors who have to have new looks for the screen, but singers as well. Asiae asked him if he had encountered any difficulties while trying to lose weight.
“I actually really like ramen. After starting my diet, I made myself give up all flour based products. I’m pretty stubborn, huh? (laughs)”

The reason for being so intent on losing weight?
I learned the importance of dieting early on. When you look at me[in person], I don’t look bloated, but on the screen I looked very bloated. After I saw myself on screen I was really surprised. I thought it was the right thing to do so that I could show a better image of myself to everyone. After that point, I naturally started dieting with a great effort.
“We can’t really tell the difference from before and after the weight loss, you’re not really the chubby type.” Asiae commented. “A lot of people tell me that, but I can see differences, like my jawline has definitely become more defined and sharp.”

Taehun shook his head ‘no’ when he was asked if he had the so-called ‘chocolate abs’ or a 6 pack. em>”I’m really far from a 6 pack.” He admitted. “[My junior] DongJoon has a 6 pack and it’s crazy. I’m really envious of his 6 pack, I still have to work very hard.”

Taehun, who wants to work harder and show a better image to everyone, was asked about his future wishes. “I want to be together with the members, who are like my family. Everyday I fall asleep with them, wake up to them, spend 24 hours a day together…I want to do this for a long time under the name Child of Empire (laughs).”
Source: Yoon

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