Of course he does. And I want to be the Queen of Czechoslovakia, but you don't hear me dreaming up the impossible!
In a recent interview, Chung Lim stated that he wants "to be a charismatic singer like Rain." Apparently, for his "Rainism" dance-off with AJ --which he actually did really well in, I might add!-- Rain's secretary sent him an autographed CD and the clothes that he wore on stage. Chung even said he took a picture of his "number 1 prized treasure" and used it as the background of his cell phone... and I thought I was a looney fangirl!
He also claims he "suffered" a lot because people kept asking him if he was rich or had a sponsor...poor you...to which his company replied, "We chose him because he looked innocent and had a lot talent of getting on his knees for all of us here."
His hopes for this year are to "receive the rookie award and be acknowledged for my acting in the future." Acting? Baby boy, you need to work on your singing first!
Wow, it seems that there is more to this Chung Lim character then we all thought... though of course none of this matters to me. So long as he gets up on stage and shakes that fine ass of his, he can wish to be anyone he wants to be.
Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory
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