May 2, 2009

Micky Yoochun’s Time Out

Posted by Nez

With his already busy schedule of all the group's performances and composing his own songs, who knew that Micky Yoochun of TVXQ / DBSK / THSK was planning to open his own Time Out Gelato Bars business? While it has been in the works for a while now, the shop opened officially today in Korea. The workers are lucky, even though they only hired male workers to avoid chaos - they can catch a glimpse of Yoochun every now and then. Although it doesn't look too fancy on the outside, I'm sure a hoard of girls will trample each other to get into the shop. Oh, the perks of being a celebrity, cha-ching.

On a side note, Yoochun once revealed on an episode of 8vs1 that he wanted to open an icecream shop for his mother. Aw, he's a man of his word. Looks like all of TVXQ's hard work paid off - Yoochun is indeed ballin'.

It says that the fruit flavors are 100% fat free and the milk flavors are 94% fat free. That's awesome! I mean, who cares if it tastes like garbage long as Micky Yoochun owns it, it's all good, right?

Thanks to hana89 for the tip!

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