May 2, 2009

Sungmin’s Naughty Hands Wet Panties

Posted by Nez

Super Junior's Sungmin shows that his overly naughty hands can do more than just feeling up on cute magician's assistants. It turns out his hands can also (now this is a shocker) be used to play the guitar too. Who knew?!? And let me tell you, boy did he play that guitar. With every stroke, I can almost see one more fangirl's panties melting. Not that I'm looking or anything...

Sungmin wowed with an acoustic guitar performance recently on Sukira, performing two songs "Just the Two of Us" and "Falling Slowly". Well, Just the Two of Us was more of a duet, and a quick one at that. Though I feel like I should warn you beforehand about the Engrish that's liberally used though out the songs. Sungmin sang first, and was later accompanied by fellow member Eeteuk. Euteuk started out romantically, but quickly switched to comedy as soon as he tries to hit the high notes. Though Sungmin managed to resurrect the panties-wetting atmosphere once again with his rendition of "Falling Slowly". His cover of the song was surprisingly good, as I often found myself having to suppress the urge to yell out "OPPAAA!!!!~~" (I'm a guy.)

See the performance for yourself.
Just the Two of Us starts at 0:06 and Falling Slowly starts at 3:51 into the video.

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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