A lot of fuss over some flashy lights and colorfully dressed girls.
4minute had their debut stage before the release of their music video, which probably wasn’t the best idea because now that we’ve already seen their lackluster performance, the MV doesn’t really place anything exciting on the table. The MV just consists of the girls dancing in different outfits on different sparkly lit stages, as well as a lot of primping. If you don’t understand Korean, let me just tell you the lyrics follow the same trend as songs like Wondergirl’s “So Hot” and Kara’s “Pretty Girl,” which basically just means it’s a song about how super fly and pretty they think they are. There’s a lot of narcissism in this “candy funky” track.
That aside, check out 4minute’s “Hot Issue” MV.
Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory
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