Jun 6, 2009

SS501 Coming to Asia!! 1st Tour Ever!!! Fans of SS501,Tell Us Your Opinion!!

Posted by Nez

Hey everyone! It's Rienie here! Like usual ^^
I've just post a news before this bout SS501 coming to Asia,especially the place where I lived rite now,Malaysia!!! Ah!!!! *jumping around like crazy*

I meann,yeah,this is the first time since I was interested with kpop,a kpop group will come to my country.
I've missed DBSK's 1st and 2nd tour before this *cries* so yeah,I really dont wanna miss this.
I wanna meet Hyun Joong@Ji Hoo!
I have been affected with BOF's viruses lol~

BUT *yeah,there is a really big BUT*
The concert will be hold in December which mean,I cant go!!! *cries again*
I will take my SPM exam from November until mid December.
It's a very important exam,I cant go...

So,to all SS501 big fans out there,across asia,tell us what do you think bout it and someone,if you can go to the concert and u live in Malaysia,gimme some infos bout the concert.And maybe some pics.I'll appreciate that ^__^

Just leave a comment here or on the chatbox.



P/s:I've already bought Boys Over Flowers's DVD.Will watch it during my holiday ^^ will post some pics after this ^__^

1 comments on "SS501 Coming to Asia!! 1st Tour Ever!!! Fans of SS501,Tell Us Your Opinion!!"

珊珊 * Shan on July 6, 2009 at 4:38 PM said...

Nice 2 meet u...^^

What is d date is SS501 coming?(DD/MM/YY)
Venue?Time? Did u know?
If yes,pls tell me...!!

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