Dec 16, 2009

JaeBum's B-Boy Team Wins 1st in Seattle

Posted by Nez
UPDATED: Added more pictures and another battle.
There hasn't been much news about JaeBum after the myspace incident. However, he surprised the Hottest when he showed up in a b-boy competition that was held in Seattle. He made it even better by winning first place.

JaeBum's b-boy team, A.O.M (Art of Movement) competed in the Winter Night competition. His team wore black shirts with their team name in pink. The shirt was made and sent by JaeBum's fan in Korea.

n the video released, JaeBum showed off his b-boying skills and fans were able to hear his voice and laugh throughout the battle.

Some of the responses of Korean fans and netizens included:
"He looks really happy when he's dancing."
"I'm so happy that I was able to see JaeBum after a long time."
"He's been a talented dancer, but it seems like he got much better."
"It must be hard being alone in US, but it looks like he's getting through it just fine."

Finally, check out the battle below (JaeBum is wearing a black beanie);
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video
credit: jdippz
You need to a flashplayer enabled browser to view this YouTube video

So what do you think? Leave comments and opinions below.

Thanks to Moh for tip & 토우메이나이치고's blog.
Article translated from by mandu_ @

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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