Feb 17, 2010

TVXQ’s Yunho saved Solbi from drowning

Posted by Nez

Singer and talent Solbi chose TVXQ’s Yunho as the best man in a recent episode of MBC’s Come to Play.

Solbi talked about a time in which she almost drowned while filming a show. She said, “I was a rookie back then that had just debuted. Yunho was the first one to come and lend me a hand when I fell. It was a short gesture but it made me realize a lot. He didn’t even know me … I was very touched.”

Jewelry’s Eunjung also added, “Yunho is kind-hearted so he helps the poor and volunteers a lot.”

Meanwhile, Solbi also revealed the story behind her previous composer boyfriend.

All you TVXQ fans, be sure to catch this episode and watch the girls compliment Yunho.

Take out with full credits.
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