Feb 17, 2010

SHINee’s Key names fruits in English

Posted by Nez

As many fans know, SHINee recently took a trip to Hong Kong to celebrate Lunar New Year’s overseas. On February 13, the boys visited Tuen Mun Town Plaza for a New Year’s Countdown event, playing a few games with fans and also performing Replay, Ring Ding Dong & JoJo.

Much to many fans’ delight, Key played a balloon game in which he had to name as many fruits off the top of his head… in English.

On top of Key’s English quiz, SHINee also learned a bit of Cantonese; Onew even got tested on various Chinese phrases during the balloon game:

Getting to see Korean celebrities attempt to speak other languages, especially English, is undoubtedly one of the highlights of the kpop fandom. I didn’t have a favorite SHINee member before I watched these clips, but Key definitely won me over with his adorable English!

Take out with full credits.
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