Feb 17, 2010

Xiah Junsu’s twin brother, Kim Junho to debut in China

Posted by Nez

TVXQ member Xiah Junsu’s twin brother, Kim Junho will officially make his debut as a singer in China under the stage name, ZUNO next month.

This however, will not be Kim Junho’s first time in China to sing in front of an audience. During his visit to Beijing for studies, Kim Junho performed ‘Wo Ai Ni” on a famous TV show, “Tian Tian Xiang Shang

“Kim Junho will open his own showcase in Beijing on March 28th, and will continue to have more events in Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan and Japan,” said China BIAS Entertainment, Kim Junho’s official label.

Kim Junho, or shall we now call him ZUNO, has been long preparing his debut with vocal and dance training. And the hard work will pay off as ZUNO will be revealing his debut track and music video for “Let me go (放开我)” at each of his 2 hour-long showcases. His brother, Xiah Junsu himself is also expected to make a guest appearance.

Check him out in this news clip from a few months back:

Take out with full credits.
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