Jun 6, 2009

Vibrant Colors..Fan should check it out too, FT Island attend Renoir Art Exhibition

Posted by Nez

FT Island attended the "Renoir: Promise of Happiness" exhibition on the afternoon of Jun4 4th at Seoul Jung Dong City Art Gallery.

Lee Hongki smiled happily as he entered the gallery, saying "When I heard about this event, I pretty much begged the agency employee to let us come here."
Song Seung Hyun, the youngest, who stood next to Hongki, was also excited. "My teacher really recommended it too. Coming out here felt like field trip."

Members started from Renoir's masterpiece "Dance in the Country" and continued to exclaim their amazement at Renoir's works. They also seriously asked questions to the curator. Members asked the standard of beauty at Renoir's time from observing that all of Renoir's nude women are chubby. When the curator replied "that was just his personal taste," the members focused back on the paintings as to find it fascinating.

The art piece that the members were most interested in was "Marie-Thérèse Durand-Ruel Sewing." Members could not move away from it because they were impressed by the vibrant colors.

After spending an hour at the exhibition, members individually shared their thoughts. "I was impressed by the fact that Renoir tirelessly worked to have his own painting style and later became famous for it. I decided that even though it's just music, I'm going to do my best." (Lee Hongki)
"I remember the saying, 'Picture must be a present to cleanse one's soul.' I hope that our music opens people's hearts too." (Lee Jaejin)
"I think that as an Idol group, we should broaden our knowledge. I really recommend this exhibition to our fans." (Choi Jong Hun)

FT Island is busy with their 3rd album, which will be released early next month. Starting from the end of this month, they will take on Asia tour to Japan, China and Southeast Asia.

Take out with full credits.
Credit: Hankook Ilbo + 1takeKK@LoveFT-I.co.nr

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