Feb 7, 2010

CNBLUE sells 30,000 albums and holds a fan signing

Posted by Nez

Can we really call these boys rookies?

Korea’s newest band CNBLUE sold 30,000 copies of their album in two weeks. It’s only been that long since they have debuted so it’s quite a shocker.

Their company expressed, “We had no idea the album would garner this much attention. We are making more CD’s at the factory but it might take awhile for them to get to the fans.”

Their debut album Bluetory is definitely a hit and being that they are a brand new rookie band, their achievements thus far have been nothing short of amazing.

CNBLUE also held a fan signing event today at the Shin Nara Record Center.

The pop dance groups have been taking a lead for awhile now but it seems like times are changing. And I absolutely love it, it’s about time that Korea brought back the good old bands.

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