Aug 23, 2009

[TRANS] 090821 Lee Min-Woo Mentions TVXQ in an Interview

Posted by Nez

Lee Min-Woo said, "(TVXQ) are excellent juniors that I recognise. A few months ago, they even had a chat with me about problems in life... I could tell that the members have very deep feelings for the group. At the back stage, they would hold each others' hands and pray, say good luck; the way they cheer each other on is very similar to us. (T/N: He meant Shinhwa) Because they are a group which has very good team spirit, I believe in TVXQ."

"My dear younger brothers, TVXQ does not just belong to TVXQ. Don't think too much and over-complicate things, just keep thinking about your fans who have spent precious times with you and who have always protected you.

I hope that all of you can steadfastly protect the proud name of TVXQ. You definitely can't disband, Hyung (T/N: Older brother) is counting on you.
After the current issue is resolved, the 11 of us should go out and have fun."

Source: [OHMICKY]
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