Feb 7, 2010

Kara’s Han Seungyeon is ready to comeback

Posted by Nez

Who’s ready for some Kara? I definitely am!

Han Seungyeon updated her Minihompy today and wrote:

“Hoo Hoo.. has everyone been waiting? There’s really not much time left. Practice practice practice! Please anticipate us!”

“후후.. 다들 기다리고 있었나요? 정말 얼마 안남았습니다. 준비준비준비! 기대하세요, 요이땅!”

Although Kara has not set an exact date for their return, DSP Entertainment stated that they will most likely return in the 2nd or 3rd week of February.

With SNSD currently dominating the charts and another top girl group, Kara, to make a comeback this month, things are definitely about to heat up!

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