Feb 7, 2010

BEAST’s Doojoon wears pink undies?

Posted by Nez

A few weeks ago, BEAST’s leader Doojoon went to Cambodia to film for MBC’s Danbi. Well, the episode aired recently and it was hilarious. For those that don’t know, Danbi is a program where the crew goes to help people out in less fortunate areas.

In this particular episode the crew went to Cambodia to help some people in need and this particular segment is causing interest amongst Doojoon fans. The crew was supposed to assist the fishing family in fishing and they did a terrible job, but as you can see in the segment below, the focus was on Doojoon’s hot pink / red panties:

Pretty Hilarious, even though they weren’t much of a help the kids got a good chuckle out of it. Thanks to Mary for the tip!

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