Feb 7, 2010

Taegoon wants to be his own man, stop asking about Jaejoong

Posted by Nez

Around a year ago, Taegoon made his debut with the single Call Me. Back then, he had the label of “being the friend of TVXQ’s Jaejoong” and it seems this has put a negative impact on him.

In a recent episode of I’m Friends with Jaejoong My Name Is Taegoon, Taegoon stated that he didn’t want to be asked about Jaejoong anymore. He stated, “A lot of people thought less of me because they think I’m using my friendship with Jaejoong and taking advantage of him for fame. I’ve talked to Jaejoong about this issue and we’re both hurt by it. It’s troublesome, I don’t like troubling my friends like that.”

Poor guy, hopefully in the near future he’ll be known for his own deeds more so than his friends. He has a lot of talent and he has the tools to be a superstar, it just needs to be harnessed and promoted correctly. Thanks to Yan for sending in the tip.

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