Feb 7, 2010

Narsha, “I was shocked DongHae was so good-looking”

Posted by Nez

Brown Eyed Girls Narsha praises Super Junior DongHae on his good looks.

During the recent filming of KBS 2TV ‘Star Golden Bell’, Narsha was picked as the most popular female idol by the male idol members.

It was during the ‘idol love pairing’ on the show when Narsha was given the most votes from the male idols on the show. Evan said, “When I see her on stage, she looks so sexy. Nowadays, Narsha is the trend.”

Meanwhile, Narsha chose Super Junior DongHae for her pairing. And she said, “I saw a video coincidentally before debut, and I was shocked that he was so goodlooking. As compared to now, he was more good-looking then.” which had the many on the filming set laughing.

The show is set to air on 30th January at 5.15pm.


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Credits:K Bites
Shared By:Copycatmemory

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