Feb 1, 2009

Kangta: ” DBSK and SNSD compliments the performance”

Posted by Nez
Kangta expressed,” After the attendance of DBSK and SNSD to watch the musical drama “mine” has made the show more interesting.”

On 30th at 4pm, Kangta was at the press conference for “mine” and stated “My parents and the younger age of netizens came to watch the show, even DBSK and SNSD came too. I feel even more warmhearted and that felt good.”

Kangta’s performance in the musical drama “mine” was the army’s first performance piece. “mine” is a real DMZ true story happened back in year 2000 about a conflict between a father and his son and how they managed to solve their problems.

The musical drama “mine” will be perform on Jan 30 till Feb 13. On Feb 20 till March 1 will be at a different venue (it was said this venue is Junsu’s old place [maybe it meant old neighborhood?])

Take out with full credits.
Source: sweetfig
Credit: 泡沫 BubbleGuies + Asianfanatics
English translations by: crazee91 + Mynn

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