Feb 1, 2009

After School gets shafted by Music Bank

Posted by Nez
After School KPOP Korean Music

It seems After School has been receiving the short end of the stick lately, and that's not good, because I'm sure these girls love it long.

After School's management stated (Pledis Entertainment):

"We received a call on the 29th that After School should not attend the January 30th episode of Music Bank. We're assuming they didn't have enough time to fit our girls into the show, but we were never given a reason."

Isn't the reason pretty obvious? Girls' Generation. Upon KBS lifting their ban, Girls' Generation made their very first appearance on Music Bank, since the release of their comeback album "Gee." I'm almost positive the producers wanted to give more airtime to Girls' Generation, hence After School received the boot.

To make matters worse, an entertainment analyst recently stated his disappointment, delivering yet another low blow to After School:
"Female groups are focusing way too much on sexiness and looks these days. This type of behavior can actually backfire on them and be harmful to their careers. Singers should focus on actually singing and obtain popularity through the proper methods."

The quick and easy solution? These girls need to stay true to their name, a little extra-curricular After School activity never hurt anyone. And I'm sure Music Bank producers wouldn't mind administering some detention. I mean shit, if after school activities at my high school had girls like this, I would've been master pro of the glee club. Now girls, say AH!

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