Feb 1, 2009

SS501’s Kim Hyun Joong is a Bad Boy

Posted by Nez
SS501 Kim Hyun Joong KPOP Korean Music

SS501's Leader, Kim Hyun Joong, recently confessed on SBS Ya Shim Man Man 2 that during the filming of old variety shows, X-Man and Love Letter, he started to like a female celebrity at first sight. We don't know who this particular celebrity is, but Hyun Joong even said:

"I would think of her when I was on my way home after the program, and even when I was about to go to sleep."

I remember the times Kim Hyun Joong came out on X-Man. He was never really noticed, because the camera would barely be focused on him. If it wasn't for MBC's We Got Married, who would've known that behind his awkwardness, he was actually pretty freaking hilarious?

Also on the show, he stated,
"Even if the girl I liked was my friend's girlfriend, I would still go for her,"

He also went on to tell us that he actually stole his friend's girlfriend in the past. This was a shocker to me, since Kim Hyun Joong doesn't seem like the type to choose love over friendship. Looks like our boy Kim Hyun Joong is not as innocent and pure as we thought he was. He revealed that his first kiss was when he was in Junior High. What a bad boy.

Catch this Ya Shim Man Man 2 episode on February 2nd.

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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