Feb 11, 2009

Why Was Joon Pyo - Jandi Kiss Scene Edited

Posted by Nez

If you have followed my previous stories, you would have know that there had been a big amount of hype generated towards Goo Joon Pyo (Lee Min Ho) kissing Geum Jandi (Goo Hye Sun) on the highway last week, as an act of defiance towards his mother in KBS Boys Before Flowers. But much to the dismay of puzzled fans, the long passionate kissing scene in episode 10 was edited tremendously with only a little portion shown in the end.


This complaint was bought up by fans towards Group Eight production as the news articles, pictures released by them before the kissing episodes, had greatly hyped up the kissing scene. But the content in the broadcast was largely different in the end, with viewers feeling "cheated" and criticized Group Eight for overhyping the drama for high ratings.

The long kissing scene was filmed with the idea of showing Joon Pyo's underlying love for Jandi despite the numerous obstacles placed before him, in this case, his mother. But taking into considerations that both of them were still high-school students, the production team decided that a long kiss was inappropriate and edited a large chunk away for broadcast.

One production staff expressed, "We felt that the long kissing scene might shock many people and wasn't inappropriate after taking into account that they were still in high school, plus their relationship was still on fragile ground. So we decided to edit that scene. We expressed regret that although the both of them (Lee Min Ho, Goo Hye Sun) put in a lot of effort for this scene, we couldn't quite show it out during the actual broadcast."

So there you have it, for those who were wondering.

Take out with full credits.
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