Mar 26, 2009

1,800 fans at Kara's fan meeting, stopped after 30 minutes

Posted by Nez

A huge number of 1,800 fans came to the Kara’s fan meeting, causing the whole fan meeting to be stopped.

On the 21st of March, Kara held a fan meeting at a mall. On this day, 1,800 fans showed up to this event, surprising all the Kara associates. They were able to see how popular Kara got.

Even though a huge number of fans came to the event, Kara did their best to keep the meeting going. But, because the maximum capacity of the room was exceeded, the meeting had to be stopped after 30 minutes, for safety concerns.

One associates said, “Because a lot more fans turned up than what we had expected, even Kara was surprised. We tried to keep the event going as we had planned it, but we had to stop for the safety of the fans.”

On the other hand, Kara, with the title track ‘Pretty Girl’ and ‘Honey’, was able to gain huge popularity and become one of the top girl groups.

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Credit: Newsen
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