Mar 26, 2009

FT Island: New single & Japan Activities Resume

Posted by Nez

FT Island Song Seunghyun was newly welcomed this year with the
withdrawl of Oh wonbin in this past january will resume their japanese activity.
Song Seunghyun was born in 1992 and take charge of Guitar and Vocal.

We're promoting 'Jump Up' since this past February in Korea and new Japanese Single "I believe myself" will be coming out by April 22nd.

There will be a live performance as well in Tokyo Osaka on the 24th and 25th of April and that will be Seunghyun first stage in Japan.

Seunghyun will be introducing himself in a Photo Collection of Memory which is a package DVD and it will be a limited edition in the single.
(hmm yes a Limited Edition with the DVD . haha)

Hopefully Song Seunghyun will appeal to the japanese fan and others what he can do as a new member of FT Island and what the japanese fan can expect from him.

Take out with full credits.
Credits: chosun
Translations: axrustyxglove@Five Treasure Island Forum

1 comments on "FT Island: New single & Japan Activities Resume"

Anonymous said...

lorh...its very expensive!!! im 'pokai'
rm82.12-I believe myself(SINGLE+DVD)(First Press Limited Edition)
rm54.74-I believe myself(Normal Edition)

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