Mar 26, 2009

F.T. Island’s Choi Min Hwan Faints From Overwork

Posted by Nez

FT Island's drummer, Choi Min Hwan (16), collapsed on the 23rd while waiting to film 'The Way Home''.

He was quickly taken to the hospital where he was treated. Thankfully, nothing serious happened and he was able to leave early next day. From what his company has said, he had become increasingly tired because of his music activities and his drama. Furthermore, he had caught a severe cold and seemed to have overworked himself. Right now, he is recovering and it doesn't seem like their will be problems with any of his current activities. Which also translates into, "we plan to make him keep working".

I get that idols are there to make money for the company, but come on now. Busy celebrities barely get enough time to eat, let alone sleep. I hope he recovers quickly and is able to return once he is completely well. We wouldn't want his condition to worsen and have to be hospitalized for an extended period of time like Lee Hyori.

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

1 comments on "F.T. Island’s Choi Min Hwan Faints From Overwork"

Anonymous said...

Poor Minhwan Oppa!!!
Hope u r okay oppa..,dont work 2 hard.
(hehe..cowy akk sent comnt merapu2)

*~FT Island hwaiting!!Minhwan Oppa hwaiting!!~*

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