Mar 26, 2009

Girl Big Bang is Introduced!

Posted by Nez

Although the girl version of Big Bang has yet to have an official name, they're letting themselves known in a rather unique fashion. These four girls, Park Sandara, Park Bom, Gong Min Ji, and C L are finally ready to debut. They plan to release a digital single called 'Lollipop' and plan on appearing on television via the LG Cyon phone commercial. And I'm sure its not coincidence that the phone is called the 'Lollipop Phone' either. They filmed the commercial along with popular idol group Big Bang (surprise surprise). The complete music video for the single is set to be shown sometime near the end of March or early April.

The fact that a new girl group is able to be in a commercial for a new phone is really exceptional. Phone commercials in Korea are seen as one of the most popular commercials and only top stars are used for them. YG Entertainment explained "LG was unsure of how to present this phone in a unique way and we were also unsure of how to debut the girls. Because these two projects happened at the same time, we decided to work together. "

Wow, I guess JYP isn't the only one that is creating buzz. Nabbing a cell phone commercial before they've even debuted? Way to heighten the curiosity, as if waiting forever wasn't enough. And it will only be 4 girls now, instead of the rumored 5.

The girls are scheduled to debut sometime in early May. Thanks to mia for the tip!

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