On "MBC's We Got Married", Kangin and Yoonji shared a surprise kiss on screen. The fake newlyweds succeeded in their kiss due to the Super Junior members suggestion about playing the 'peppero game'. It's basically a game where there's a peppero stick in between both contestants mouth and the objective is to eat the peppero and for the lips to touch. The members teamed up and played the game themselves before Kangin and Yoonji.
Sung Min, Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, and Shiwon all complained about the pairings but still proceeded with the game. After seeing just the crumbs leftover from the peppero stick, Yoonji was in shock. It seems Heechul's habit has rubbed off on the boys, especially Shiwon and Eunhyuk, who left virtually nothing.
When it was finally Kangin and Yoonji's turn, the members all whipped out their cellphones, ready to take pictures. Kangin yelled, "Don't take pictures!", as Yoonji tried to hide the peppero with her hands but later gave in to the boys' pestering. With Sungmin playing the guitar for this romantic moment, Kangin and Yoonji's lips touched, and they succeeded at the game. At first the two claimed that their lips did not touch, but later on in the interview, Kangin revealed "In truth, our lips touched a little. Even though we're a fake couple, it made me feel a little strange."
Out of all the couples on "We Got Married", this couple is my favorite. They were the ones who made me want to start watching that dying show, not just once, but twice now. Really, they are just too cute

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