Mar 28, 2009

KARA’s Kang Ji Young Just Wants to Catch a Fly

Posted by Nez

Netizens have noticed (of course they have) that when Davichi won #1 on Music Bank last week, KARA's maknae Kang Ji Young was clapping in an odd way, almost as if she was a bit angry. The topic of Kang Ji Young's strange clapping received many mixed responses. Here's a few of the hundreds of comments left by netizens:
"How cute!"
"What could she possibly be feeling inside to be clapping that hard?"
"She's just clapping, what's the big deal?"
"At first I thought she was clapping to congratulate them, but I see that isn't the case.. Even though they might be rivals, she should control her emotions."

I really don't see what the big deal is. All I think the poor girl was trying to do was catch a fly that was flying in her face. You can totally see where I'm coming from, as you can see two guys on her right looking up, as if there was a fly, right after she attempts to smush that little sucker. But then again.. I guess he could've just been looking at some falling confetti. raspberry

Watch from the 0:50 mark:

video credit: codeanaylsis

And here's the GIF a user posted just yesterday, which already received around 600 comments:

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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