Mar 24, 2009

Kim Hyun Joong Is Confused

Posted by Nez

"Now that its nearing the end, I am not even sure if I am acting or not (can't distinguish reality from acting), I feel a bit empty".

On this afternoon, Kim Hyun Joong (23) was being interviewed at an outdoor filming location for KBS2TV Boys Before Flowers. Seeing Hyun Joong, you can't help but feel that he looks a bit weak physically and mentally drained. When asked about what's the 3 most unbearable things he experienced while filming, Hyun Joong expressed without hesistation, "cold", "lack of sleep", "hunger", showing how much suffering he is going through.

Whilst filming in Macau, he lost about 8kg but has now regained 2kg back. Not long ago, he was even "scolded" as his legs turned to jelly while doing a dance.This prompted him to set a resolution to work himself even harder while exercising in future.

The continuous overnight filming sessions plus tight personal schedule has made Hyun Joong's lifestyle become rather irregular and making his fans really worried for his health. But with the drama coming to a conclusion next week, Hyun Joong only muttered "Not bad" to express his feelings. Having already adjusted to the tight and stressful schedule over the past few months, the drama conclusion is starting to make him feel kind of empty (lost)."

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