Mar 15, 2009

[Mod-Post] On Holiday,No Update For 2 Days

Posted by Nez
Hey there!
It's Rienie here,as usual..
My school holiday has started,yeah *throw confetti*
I'm going on a holiday tomorrow with my family XD
It's been so long since our last time going on holiday bcause everyone is so busy.
Hurrah!!! Kyaa!!! *dance around,with SS501 new song Making A Lover*

But the sad thing is,there will be no update for two days.
I dont know how I'll survive without updating the blog for two days but for the sake of the holiday,I think I'll survive(of course by listening to Survivor).
Sorry for that but I promise I'll update the blog as soon as possible >_<

There are not many updates for today because there are not much news.But the wedding scene in Boys Over Flowers,does give me the biggest shock!!!Cant wait to see that episodes.

Our blog has reach 10,000 hits!!!
Ah,all of are so happy( me,Cyeri n Ehaminnie)
As usual,thanks so much 4 visiting our blog!!
We hope all of u will keep on visiting our blog *bow*
Thanks foa all the support.
To all of the new friends that I've just known:
Ayumi,Love,Hyoo,Ceeya,Yume,Jasmine,YJ,Lychan and all of u guys that have droppin by at our chatbox,it's nice knowing u guys,hope we can start an everlasting friendship ^^

To all the readers,we love u sooo much.
Thanks for everythign <3
For those in holiday,HAPPY HOLIDAY!!
For those who aren't,we wish u a happy day ^__^

because we always stay in ur memory

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