Mar 18, 2009

Triple S is Mad At Kim Hyun Joong

Posted by Nez

Okay, so maybe not angry, but they did have some things that they were unhappy about. On KBS's Star Golden Bell, SS501 members Kyujong, Young Saeng, and Hyung Joon expressed their resentments. They mentioned that "at the Baeksang awards, he didn't mention SS501 during his speech." Kyujong said that "in that past, when I made a speech, I mentioned Hyun Joong. It made me a bit sad." Young Saeng also stated that "When Kim Hyun Joong went up on stage to receive flowers, he accepted the one for being an F4 member first. I was a tiny bit upset about that."

They went on to talk about their other member JungMin too. When asked "who makes the most mistakes?" they all agreed on JungMin, who made a mistake on their debut stage. SS501 is finally getting some recognition through Hyun Joong's part on Boys Over Flowers and their ost "Because I'm Stupid." And it's about time too, I'm finally hearing less of the whole "they're just trying to copy DBSK" and more of "Oh my gosh, I love SS501!" Although I could do without the fangirling, its better than listening to them being compared to an overrated boy band. I mean honestly, they don't really deserve all that hype. They're just another pretty face with no substance, even if the faces are rather appealing.

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