Mar 22, 2009

Report from Subaru Press Conference

Posted by Nez
Finally, we had arrived at the stage!! Today, the members was really nice
and frankly speaking, they didn’t have much make up on them. While interviewing, we had complex feelings and comments for the members.

Yunho -> The star of the movie and the host had asked her lots of question. A beautiful woman I would say who won lots of applause from the audience in her actings etc. The members were embarrassed to be actually standing beside her since it was the first time they met each other. And when asked how they felt about Meisa Kuroki on first impression “She had a Small face but stood tall among them”

Changmin -> Was watching the movie and asked was it nice. And the answer was simple “It was nice!”(laughs) The audience laughed with him as well for his simple answer.

Jaejoong -> He had heard of the film’s first impression and with the same tone of Changmin’s “It’s good!” The whole audience laughed even louder.”Because in this world (movie), it’s also showing of auditions at how a artist was created. I’m impressed that it’s shown to all and it will give strengths to those who believe in their dreams to continue doing what they dream for.” Jaejoong paused. “When I was being auditioned back then, i felt really tensed but having this kind of courage like the star in the movie, really is amazing and better than anyone else.”
This statement won the whole audience’s applause.

Yoochun -> He was asked about the theme song from the host.
“The song is really mangificent, from two or three members singing in harmony really was a attractive combination.” Yoochun commented. “And our album is released at the same time too.” He advertised their album. And lastly a shout of “Changmin!” made the whole audience laughed.

Junsu -> He was said to had taken medicine for his flu? (nearly fever) From what we had understood from Yoochun who said. The movie “Subaru” is the fourth big project done in Asia, putting all stars in Asia into one movie.
“Making something common between Asia and showing Asia’s strength” made the audience happy and won a strong applause.

Meisa Kuroki was just beautiful in the film.
I think the real highlights are the dance scene. And the members surprise appearance would be a real great cast.

Take out with full credits.
Source: sharingyoochun
Credit: mainichi
Translated by: mel@onetvxq

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