Yesterday, we talked about Megan Fox's fondness for "Asian Justin Timberlake" Rain (her words, not ours!), and the comments board hasn't slowed down since. Today, we're moving on to the Wonder Girls, the South Korean pop-culture sensation set to open a bunch of dates on the Jonas Brothers upcoming 53-city tour. (Read our review of the JoBros' mildly naughty new album, Lines, Vines and Trying Times.)
We'll have to wait and see what it does for the Wonder Girls -- the wholesome, sweet-faced teenagers who single-handedly sparked a national dance craze in 2007 with their addictive debut single, "Tell Me." If the Jonases are American princes, think of the Wonder Girls as Korean empresses.
Though Korean news reports have sensationalized the girls' importance on the tour, saying they'd be in all cities with the brothers, they'll actually be featured in 13 concerts and 7 locations, joining them June 27 in Portland and concluding their duties in Atlanta on August 22. Still, could even this relatively small amount of exposure provide a launching pad for the young starlets to the American music scene?
What do think, Music Mixers? Do the Wonder Girls have the poppin' chops to make them show stoppers in the States? Or, unlike Fox, do you think America is still unready and unwilling to truly embrace singers from the East?
Take out with full credits.
Source: EW
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