Many fans were curious why there were only 4 WonderGirls members present at 2AM’s first fanmeeting on 6th June – YoonBin, YeEun, SunMi and SoHee - and leader SunYe was not present to support the 2AM boys.
The truth is that SunYe had spent that night celebrating her grandmother’s birthday. 6th June was SunYe’s grandmother’s birthday, and she had requested to be taken off from that schedule that day to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday personally.
SunYe has brought up by her grandmother since young, and she had always felt thankful for her grandmother and aimed to pay back with her filial piety and by working hard on becoming a great singer. Already, previously she had reportedly bought an apartment in Seoul for her grandmother.
The WonderGirls will head to China after finishing their activities in Korea on 11~12th June. And after which they will head back to America again.
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