Jun 3, 2009

Taemin’s friends like SNSD more than him

Posted by Nez

Poor baby! Friends of SHINee's little maknae, Taemin weren't as interested in his SM life as they were about the lives of his fellow artists in the same company!

In an interview, Taemin expressed, "I can see how popular SNSD is in school. My friends would always say, 'The SNSD girls are so pretty!' or 'Aren't you really close with SNSD?' and they would be jealous of me. They thought that because we're in the same company, that we must see each other a lot, but that's not the case. Both of our schedules are so full, we rarely see each other."

Well, your friends are jealous of you over the wrong group, if you ask me. And you can be sure, if Taemin and I were friends, I'd threaten him with bodily harm to burst in on TVXQ in the showers one day and take pictures... I mean, what are friends for afterall?

Thanks to baby-swts for the tip!

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