Jul 11, 2009

3 Musketeers accused of plagiarising Super Junior T ‘Rokkugo’

Posted by Nez

Trot idol group 3 Musketeers’ recent title song ‘Let’s Go’ has been accused of plagiarism.

Netizens have found a part of the song sounding very similar to Super Junior T group’s ‘Rokkugo’, and hot debates are going on the internet.

There was a part of the song which goes in ‘Let’s Go’, “To the east, to the west, to the south! With 3 Musketeers. To the sea, to the sea, swimming, swimming, swimming!’ This part of the song has been said to sound very similar to a part of ‘Rukkugo’.

Part of the netizens thought it is plagiarism while some think that it is not but just that the parts of the song sounded alike.

Some of the fans have also started to call the song ‘Let’s Go’ the ‘2nd Rukkugo’, distinguishing the fun performance that this new group puts up with ‘Let’s Go’.

The 3 Musketeers said, “We hope to receive loads of love with this new song that can be enjoyed by young and old after Super Junior T hyung. We hope to be just as capable as the Super Junior T hyung.”

For comparison:

Take out with full credits. Credits:Kbites

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