Jul 15, 2009

Spectators are Converted to Wonder Girls’ Wonderfuls

Posted by Nez

Approximately 30,000 spectators attended Wonder Girls’ live performance in Vancouver

Opening for the world’s best male trio idol group ‘Jonas Brothers’ in the U.S., Wonder Girls performed the English version of their hit songs “Nobody” and “Tell Me” and received an explosive reaction from the spectators.

A JYPE representative revealed that, “From the 27th of last month when Wonder Girls began their tour with the Jonas Brothers, they have performed 13 openings while watching their popularity progressively increase in number.”

With their 4th of the remaining 45 openings performed in Vancouver, Canada, the Wonder Girls will continue their tour with the Jonas Brothers until the 29th of next month upon Papa Jonas’ request.

Wonder Girls are expected to perform in front of an audience of 1,500,000 people, which approximates to be 30,000 spectators for each public performance.

Since their debut in 2005, the three brothers who refer to themselves as the ‘Jonas Brothers,’ have demonstrated their unprecedented popularity in America through their record sales, concerts, movies and TV series.

JYP producer Park Jin Young shared the good news on his homepage: “The Jonas brothers and their mangagement officially asked us to open for their entire US tour. And we said ‘yesssirrrr!’. Isn’t this crazy?!”

A JYPE representative claimed, “Just to have Wonder Girls stand on the same stage as [Jonas Brothers] feels like a dream, but the fact that they’re performing with them as well was something beyond our expectations. I ask everyone to continue showing even more support for the Wonder Girls by propagandizing their ‘Nobody’ dance and song in the states.”

Since the public performance in Vancouver General Motors Plays on the 29th of last month, Wonder Girls began teaching the ‘Nobody’ dance to the 30,000 spectators in advance, encouraging them to stand up from their seats and follow along, which received an explosive reaction from the audience.

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[Translation: bequietimhappy]
[Credit: Journalist Chu Young Joon @ Segye.com]

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