Jul 2, 2009

SS501 Proposed to Hong Kong Fans

Posted by Nez

On 1st July, after a night of preparation, SS501 held a fan meeting and charity photography event at the Exhibition Centre (I'm not too sure of the venue) in Hong Kong. The members put up a series of songs and dances and even proposed to fans using Cantonese, which caused uproars among fans.

On the night of arrival, members Park Jung Min, Heo Young Saeng and Kim Kyu Jung went to Tsim Sha Tsui for Korean cuisine at 9am till 12midnight with 黄埔 ( IDK who), before heading back to hotel to rest. During that period, about 60 fans followed them throughout. Yesterday's fan meeting attracted 1500 Asia fans and more than 10 security personnel were needed to maintain order. Even though the event started 45mins behind time, fans were still bubbling with enthusiasm. During that period, 5MVs were shown and fans were singing along and waving their light sticks, building up the atmosphere.

In the 1.5hours fan meeting, Leader Kim Hyun Joong led the group in 6 songs, including "Because I'm Stupid". The fan meeting included a section which requires members to expose one another¡'s secrets and requirements to be their girlfriends. The 5 of them did every means, even using much Cantonese to self introduce, saying "I love you all". Park Jung Min even squatted down, holding to a fan saying "Will you marry me?" In order to thank their fans' support, the members gave roses to lucky fans, which caused another uproars among fans.

SS501 expressed that they hope to hold their Asia Tour in Hong Kong between November and December and expressed that they would like to work with John Woo (吴宇森) and Jacky Chan (成龙) in future. They had also expressed sadness over Michael Jackson's death as they had listened to his songs since young.

Take out with full credits.
Credits : baidu-nicky + doubles501.com + (English Translation) eeyore.pink@ Quainte501.com

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