Jul 15, 2009

Taegoon in Japan

Posted by Nez

On July 11th, Taegoon managed to gather over 1,000 fans for his first Japan-based fan meeting where he performed, signed autographs, chatted, and shook hands with the fans. He was so amazed at the turn out saying, "I was very suprised to see how many people came. Everyone from parents, students and older women." The whole thing overwhelmed him so much that Taegoon even shed a few tears, “Since this is the first meeting, I’m very nervous and my heart is racing, but I will do my best.”

How cute! And speaking of cute, he looks very cute in these pictures... though maybe that could be just because he kind of reminds me of Rain in them. Japanese ahjumma's must really like K-pop stars *cough* Bae Yong Joon, Rain *cough*... who knows what certain star's careers would be like without them!

Aww... our little Taegoon is moving up! I remember when he first came out with his song "Cole Call Me"!

Take out with full credits.
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