Jul 15, 2009

Yamapi Also Wishes Upon a Star

Posted by Nez

What did Yama-P (Yamashita Tomohisa) wish for? Let’s see what he wrote in his diary.

“Well, I think I would wish for the people close to me to stay healthy!”

Also, there is a popular custom in Tanabata where people write down their wishes on small oblong-shaped pieces of paper called ‘tanzaku (短冊)’ and hang them from bamboo. Yama-P’s friend found a ‘tanzaku’ written “I wish that the wish of the person next to me will come true.” Yama-P was very impressed with this, and wrote

“Wow! I really admire those kinds of people! He must be a [in English] ‘nice guy’!”

Most people will be impressed not only by the person who wrote the tanzaku, but also Yama-P who wished for the well-being of the people around him.

Take out with full credits.
Source: musicjapanplus

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