They are living the ”Bonamana” life!
CJ Entertainment announced select members of Super Junior will be singing the theme song for the upcoming film “Dreams Come True” on May 12th. Suju members Shin-dong, Lee-teuk, Eun-hyuk, Ye-sung and Sung-min have been preparing to record the song for a year. A year? Why are we the last to know? They should be “Sorry, Sorry” for keeping things from us.
A CJ representative stated that: Super Junior’s public image on variety shows, radio programs and concerts is the new and energetic vibe they believe will work best with their movie’s main song and subject matter.The sports influenced film “Dreams Come True” (aka On the Pitch) is about North and South Korean soldiers by the border. They are divided because of politics, but both share a love of soccer which binds them together.
This is “One Fine Spring Day” for all you ELFs!
“Dreams Come True” will roll into theatres May 27.
“Dreams Come True” will roll into theatres May 27.
Take out with full credits.
Shared By:Copycatmemory
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