And just when you thought the Korean Hottests were lucky to have 2PM as their tourguides for JYPE studios, they get even luckier. JYPE revealed that 2PM will hold a fanmeeting on August 15 at 6PM at Gwangun University's Cultural Center Auditorium in Seoul Nowon-gu.
The fanmeeting will occur over a 2 hour time period in the form of a mini-concert. The members will also be showing group and individual performances all while spending some quality time with their fans. About 2000 fans are expected to attend this event. A JYPE worker stated that 2PM will have a surprise guest (the guest is undecided at the moment) that will entertain the fans with different talents. I don't know about you but If I were a Hottest, I'd consider moving to Korea...
Thanks to qtkrngal515 @ 2oneday.com for translations.
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Shared by:Copycatmemory
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