Aug 1, 2009

F.T. Island Has Conflicting Views on Education

Posted by Nez

When faced with the question of how idols must handle their studies and careers, F.T. Island found it rather difficult to agree on a given answer.

Choi Jonghoon and Lee Hongki, the two members currently attending university, stated firmly that it is absolutely necessary to graduate from high school. Hongki went on to state, "It’ll be good if the school can help their students to realize their dreams. It’s not about instilling knowledge from the course books, it’s about helping each and every individual to realize their dreams through various forms of education.”

The high school youngins, however, had a very opposite opinion. Song Seunghyun, Choi Minhwan, and Lee Jaejin all agreed that it is best for idols to just give up their studies and work hard with their careers in the entertainment business. They stated there are several things that one learns when working in the entertainment industry that one does not learn in school. Sometimes the burden of maintaining studies gets in the way of doing their best in their careers, therefore they believe it's just best to do away with education altogether.

Lee Jaejin ended the interview by stating,“Things that we learn in high school are not being used practically. However, to realize your dream, you will still have to continue to do self-study.”

Many idols have dropped out of school or put their education on hold to focus on their careers, but several others have pushed through with their education despite being bogged down by their careers. In the end, it's the idols' choice as to whether or not they wish to continue with their education.

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