Aug 13, 2009

Kim So Eun & SHINee for Clride.n

Posted by Nez
Towards the end of July, Clride.n made it public that Kim So Eun and SHINee will be modeling for their fall and winter collection. SHINee is not new to Clride.n as they've been working with them since last year. Kim So Eun is however new, replacing the last endorser, Min Hyo Rin.

Two pictures from the recent photoshoot have been released. Check it out:

I think Kim So Eun looks good with SHINee. But at this point, I can only imagine fangirls attacking Kim So Eun for being so close to Key, or fanboys attacking Onew for being so close to Kim So Eun! Jealous much? Can't wait for the full photoshoot to be released!

thanks to margaret for the tip!

Take out with full credits.
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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