Aug 13, 2009

Trial,School,Love and Hot Guy..

Posted by Nez
Duh,just read the title above!
I sound like a crazy person,rambling whatever I also didnt know,huhu..
*maybe it's because of all of the studying*

Anyway,it's Rienie here!
Yah,I have SPM trial next week and I should study but trust me,I study more than anyone else lol~Give me a break!
After all,I know the readers would love all the updates ne??

I've said that I gonna post a picture about a hot guy rite?
Here he is:

Yeah,he is not Jaejoong.He is even a Malay!
But he's soooooo hot lol~
He is the same age like me
*sweet seventeen*
He is a part time model,Malay mix with Pakistan
*no wonder he's hot!*
He is 185cm tall!
I would like a boyfriend like this.
Why I'm still single,huhu...
He is hot!!!Kyaa~~ XD
*how many times I should mention dat??*
Sorry the pics not clear.Mianhae~

Anyway,no matter how hot he is,he still cant defeat my one and only,Kim Jae Joong!!
I'll love this guy FOREVER!
Mark my word!
Hey,who can resist a man as hot as him??
Not me lol~
I keep coming back for more of him
Keke XD

I've just found this pic lol~
He looks sooooo damn hot!
Jaejoongie,this is the thing
dat make me love u more!
I'm almost fainted when I saw this pics.
He looks soooo smokin sexy

Ah,I'll be dead if I keep doing this.
I'm sooo nervous with my trial.
Hope I can do well!Hwaiting!

And I'm not kidding when I say that iI'm single.No guy ever like me.
No ONE ever said,I LOVE YOU or I LIKE YOU to me.
Nah,I dont care anymore.
I better off like this.
Guy always broke my heart.
It's hard to cure a broken heart~
*I should sing Without A heart by 8eight lorh~

Haha,I love hot guy!
They make my life better ^^
*i'm not perverted ok*

I've got to go to study.
I'll try to update after the school holiday start.
See ya later.

Lots of loves,

1 comments on "Trial,School,Love and Hot Guy.."

ehaminnie on August 16, 2009 at 10:11 AM said...

eee...dat malay is not Hot..
mi an:p but Jae Joongie is *nose bleeding*
HOT!!aaahhh...super HOT!

unnie, I LOVE YOU!
i really do as a sister!
let us be single until we find DBSK..

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