Jan 12, 2010

2AM and 2PM’s ‘Dirty Eyed Girls’ parody mistaken as homosexual video in the Netherlands

Posted by Nez

It has been known that ‘Dirty Eyed Girls’ parody done by 2PM TaecYeon, ChanSung, WooYoung and 2AM JoKwon and Im SeulOng has been mistaken as a homosexual video in Netherlands.

The group did the parody of Brown Eyed Girls ‘Abracadabra’ for Mnet Wild Bunny, and was said to be one comical MV enjoyed by fans. But recently, the video was mistaken as a Chinese homosexual video after it was uploaded on a Dutch video site DePers on 4th January, and the title to the video was ‘Taboo in China’.

Captures of SeulOng and ChanSung exchanging looks from the MV together with the MV was posted on DePers, and the site described how homosexuality is not allowed in China, and this video was done under prohibition. The 2AM and 2PM boys were mistaken as Chinese in the video.

Korean netizens’ responses are largely, “What is this, I’m speechless”, “This is a bit too serious for me to just laugh and get over with”, “I am worried how their overseas promotions will have adverse influences” etc.


The greatly mistaken video once more! :)

Take out with full credits.
Credit:K BITES
Shared by:Copycatmemory

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