Mar 24, 2010

What’s Big Bang up to?

Posted by Nez

One of Korea’s most famous boy groups Big Bang has been somewhat MIA as of late, and Korean VIP’s have begun to miss them dearly. It’s known to Big Bang’s fans that the group has been completing promotional activities in Japan, but these days, they’ve been missing from the Japan music scene as well.

After this month, it will have been a year and four months since Big Bang’s last Korean album. Furthermore, it’s been a while since we’ve seen the members complete solo activities. Taeyang promoted Wedding Dress for a short time months ago and Daesung recently ended his appearances Family Outing after the first season wrapped up. T.O.P’s appearance on IRIS ended a while ago and, the last time I heard these boys sing live was… um… that time… I give up, I can’t remember the last time I saw them perform live together.

But the boys have worked on some music together. They sang for their endorsement, Lollipop 2. They also sang Hallelujah for the soundtrack of IRIS. YG Entertainment is saying that Big Bang has been MIA from the public for a while, but they are working hard on upcoming projects and are very busy.

A YG associate said, “TOP is filming a movie Into the Gunfire at the moment. Daesung and Taeyang are exercising, learning foreign languages and working on solo songs. G-Dragon is making music whenever he has the time to. Maknae Seungri is attending college these days.”

So they are pretty busy these days but I’m still waiting on a new album to drop sometime this year. Let’s all keep our fingers crossed!

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Shared By:Copycatmemory

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