Mar 24, 2010

KARA, someone set us up the bomb

Posted by Nez

On an episode of Strong Heart that aired on the 23rd, Kara’s Nicole and Goo Hara revealed that they have been searched at the airport for bombs.

“Recently, we were searched at the airport because someone reported that there was a bomb in one of the Kara member’s bags.

They continued,

“Not too long ago, we had went to the airport for our Japanese promotions during our preparation for Lupin. We were waiting at the airport to board the plane when we got a call from the airport officials saying, ‘There’s a suspicious item that looks like a bomb in one of the Kara member’s bag.”

All the members were reportedly scared to death while security checks were being made, and the object that was reported as a bomb was actually found in the bag.

Update: The “bomb” was revealed to be dumbbells that Jiyoung bought

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Shared By:Copycatmemory

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