Apr 20, 2010

BEAST’s Fanclub Exclusive 2010 Calendar Pics Revealed

Posted by Nez

Lucky B2uty-ies. It’s certainly worthwhile to be an official member of BEAST’s fanclub as goodies such as this calender would be yours. If you are a B2uty, that is.

Pictures of the official BEAST calenders for 2010 have recently surfaced and while the photographs have been taken during their Bad Girl promotional days, the boys are looking just as saucy. This was before Gikwang dyed his hair orangey-brown and before Junhyung’s mohawk. The calenders are also packaged with adorable chibi stickers perfect for marking important dates of the year.

Check them out!

Source: SSYY @ b2strising.com
Take out with full credits.
Shared By:Copycatmemory

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