Apr 24, 2010

[news] Rain teases about MBLAQ's comeback

Posted by Nez

He said he's not worried about them, and that they're doing really well.
At a young age that they're at such a high position already.
Although they could get hurt... he hopes they become stronger,
And that they don't get hurt. But later on top of people they will be able to think they did really well.
And they too will be able to produce groups.
He hopes MBLAQ becomes stronger people that will be able to win over all their hardships, apart from doing well.
They don't even have to do well, they're gonna go through hard times.
But as people, he hopes they don't get hindered from anything

He also said that the 2nd album will be released in the 1st week of MAY!

Video Source: abmfancams2@YouTube
Brief Translation: mir-ified@AbsoluteMBLAQ
Take out with full credits.

Shared By:Copycatmemory

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